Thursday, December 23, 2010

The Doors:Light My Fire

Happy Holidays Faithful Followers,
Another one of those weeks where you go two steps forward and four steps back.

First, I am informed by the county that they have a new mandate for uplift(wind)

and roof snow load and because we are new construction we fall under it. So, I

have to pay engineering to draw up plans to follow this mandate(they try and squeeze

every f____ dime out of you). Now Paul (my builder) and I have to go around the

house putting straps and braces so we can pass inspection. Fun time on the ladder

putting in lag bolts. Second, after framing the fireplace and bookshelf area our

local supplier informs us the fireplace we ordered 3 months ago was discontinued

and there are no others with those specs. Because it was their mistake they sent

us another one(more expensive) but it was larger. So, the past two days we spent

tearing down and rebuilding that area. As I left today we finally got it in and the

plumber was hooking up the propane. We finally also have our Front door in and

all the outside windows (yeah). I'm ready for a break. Pickup Diane and her Dad

Xmas eve from Seattle and will have a nice holiday week in Sequim. My son and

grandson will also join us. Well here are some pics. Stay Thirsty my friends.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

I'm getting wired about the progress

Hello all and Happy Holidays,

Well we now have all the siding on except for the area where we will have stone.

Rough electrical will probably finish up on Monday. Deck will now be in progress,

after having to dig the footings down 3.5 feet to hit native soil. Front porch is

also under construction. Did alot of cleanup today amazing how much Dr. Pepper
the building crew drinks. Meeting with the cabinet guy next week for final
measurement. Well enough from me here are some pics. One final note it looks
like I will be starting an academic coaching business here on the Peninsula.
Again Happy Holidays and Stay Thirsty my friends.

Friday, December 3, 2010

I can see clearly now!

Hello everyone,

Had a great time in So. Cal. with my wife, family and friends. A little warmer

done there than up here. Well on to the progress of the house.

Windows and outside doors are in Yeah! Siding can now be completed and

I am told that should be by Monday. Rough plumbing done and we will

start on electrical wiring on Tues. Deck will start sometime next week also.
Just as a side note our little boxer Annie decided to go ice skating without

permission. As I headed down to the dock to take pictures she jumped onto

the ice and skidded on her belly. Thank God the ice was thick enough to
support her and I was able to grab her and bring her in without having
to jump in to get her. Well Stay Thirsty my friends and enjoy the pics.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Well 25 degrees and still snowing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, everyone said this would be a bad winter and so far their right. At 2pm it is 25 degrees out

and snowing. Drove up to the property in 4 wheel drive and needed it. Snow depth right
now near 6 inches. Suppose to stop later today, hope so have to drive to the Seattle airport in the morning to go down to So. Cal for thanksgiving. For my No. Calif. friends I know this is status quo, but I haven't since so much snow all at once since watching the Donner party video. Tom reserve a room in Kauai for me(only kidding I think) Well here are pics.

Stay warm my friends!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

What's this white stuff?

Hello followers,
Well it's that time of the week again. Moving right along with the building. Putting on the

Hardy plank siding (which we will paint in the spring). Heating guy has been here this week
putting the heat vents and the vacuum system in. Doing the rough plumbing at the same
time. Well enough chatter here are some pics. Stay Thirsty my friends.
PS: What do our dogs have in common with northwest dogs? Nothing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Our dogs need coats to go outside and northwest dogs not only go out but drive there.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Short Week alot of decisions

Well Diane leaves tomorrow but we made alot of decisions while she was here. No vacation this time.

We have our windows and doors picked out and ordered. Did a walk through with the electrician,

the plumber was doing the rough plumbing and hardy plank siding goes on next week. Thanks to

our friend Lyn who basically flew up from Dallas for one day to assist us with some interior issues.

Had some landscape plants delivered today and will plant on Friday. Well here our some new pics

Stay Thirsty my friends.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

What does my dog say "ROOF"

Well faithful followers we have a roof and shingles. Diane and I met with the door

and window guy yesterday. We chose Milgard. Monday we meet with the cabinet,

electrician and drywall guy. Progress!!!!!!!!!! Well here are some pics.

Stay Thristy my friends.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Alot has happened since my last report. 2600 miles later,I have returned with the dogs.

Thanks to my buddy Roger in Monterey for the nice stayover. Nice to see my wife and

friends again, Dogs are adjusting well, love running at the property. Well, the hous
as you will see has a roof and they are starting to shingle. Diane will be up in a week
and we will pick the color for the hardee plank siding. Meetin g with window and cabinet
guys also sometime next week. Enjoy the pics and stay thiristy my friends.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Short Week


Short work week for me this week. Heading down to So. Cal to pick up

my dogs. However, moving right along at the house. Enjoy! Stay Thiristy

my Friends.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Wow real progress!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Had a great time in So. Cal last week. Got to visit with my lion friends from Seal Beach, my friends

at Dyzzy's Record store, Carlos and the boys, and especially my time with my wife Diane.
Well while I was gone a house is magically appearing. Enough chatter here are some pics.

Stay Thiristy my friends.